"What is that sound?"
"Don't know...where is it coming from, honey?"
"I think its in the baby's room."
"She's asleep...I just fed her and she was sound snoozing!"
"I better check..."
The great joy that I have with my children is watching them learn. My oldest cried at her first swim meet. She fell off her scooter six times in one day. She forgets the word "the" when she reads. But when she perfects a skill or learns something new the joy and happiness she shows will light up the room.
Baby Katie is learning, too!
Today, we are blowing raspberries.
Now for those of you that don't know what a raspberry is I'll walk you through it. Put your lips together and then let your tongue protrude between them. Then blow air past your tongue and lips to make a loud, wet, buzzing sound as your tongue flops around like a dead squid. That's a raspberry.
Katie is in her room practicing her new found skill. She is quite diligent and has been going "ppllllbbbbsssttttt!" for an hour know. I saw the look of determination in her little face. This is serious business, the blowing of raspberries. The crib is now showered with slobber.
Oh, I can't wait for church on Sunday!
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